Mindful Movement for Everyone.

Yoga is for everybody. My classes are inclusive and welcoming to all. Whether you have been practicing yoga for years, or are new to the practice, you will be warmly welcomed to the group.

The style of yoga that I teach is a combination of all my major trainings and influences: traditional hatha yoga, gentle vinaysa flow, somatic movement, qigong, and mindfulness meditation. I teach from where I practice personally. My classes are always based on a philosophical theme, which is presented as an opportunity for personal inquiry. Each class offers the time and space to devolop self-awareness.


Tuesdays: White Colne Village Hall at 10:00 am

Wednesdays: Messing Village Hall at 1:30 pm

Thursdays: Earls Colne Recreation Centre (Chair Yoga) at 11:00 am

Thursdays: Coggeshall Village Hall Keys Room at 7:30 pm

Fridays: Coggeshall Village Hall Keys Room at 9:30 am